I saw this group at the Greenfest and completely forgot until I got my weekly email from
Fresh Squeeze today. The Green Restaurant Association is like LEEDS for restaurants! It is a great organization. They have recently expanded to add manufacturer's and distributors. The basic idea behind this organization is for restaurants to sign up and follow a number of steps over a period of time to gain points your first ranking comes at 100 points and the top ranking is 470 points. They have a search engine on the site to find restaurants that are currently listed. Check it out and make your next dining experience a more Green one. They do have for the Diners a certificate you can print out and leave with your bill to help get the word out that you care how green you favorite local spot is.
For the Restaurant: http://www.dinegreen.com/restaurants/
For the Diner: http://www.dinegreen.com/customers/
For the Manufacturer: http://www.dinegreen.com/manufacturers/
For the Distributor: http://www.dinegreen.com/distributors/