Welcome to my green blog for ordinary people. Here you will find tips, tricks, lists and ideas to help you pick up everyday habits to help our environment. I would love for my morning to look like this: Wake up slip on my fair trade, organic cotton slippers and robe, head for my solar heated, rain water shower, brush my teeth with my recycled wooden toothbrush and baking soda, get dressed in my fair trade, organic hemp or cotton suit, head to my sustainable kitchen to make my organic, fair trade breakfast before walking to my office. Let’s face it though, I am not a millionaire and I live in an 8 unit condo building in Chicago. While my dream is to make my life as green as possible, I have to be realistic and work in those aspects as I can, by changing my attitude towards my life. I started years ago by recycling what I could and donating items I couldn’t and then throwing away the rest.I have recently pledged to never use another plastic bag and I make sure to turn off any light I am not immediately using. I figured if I can work these things into my hectic life others could too, they just need to be inspired. That is where the idea for this blog came from. What I do to be more green probably doesn’t even combat a ½% of the problem, but if I can inspire others by my daily actions and this blog then that ½% gets compounded and starts to add up to real numbers. So join me in my quest for a healthier planet for ourselves and our future generations, by becoming Ordinarily Green.
I set up the blog to have an open dialog, to hand out my ideas and get feedback if they aren’t right and praise if they are. I do not claim to know everything about the environment and what is best for it, but I know that something has to be done and I hope this blog helps others to take steps towards improving our environment.
Most of all I hope this blog inspires more people to do what they can to help.
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