Thursday, August 6, 2009

Plastic Bag Update

For those that follow my efforts to never use a plastic bag again I wanted to send out a 13 month update. I have been tracking since 06/23/09 for mainly my purchases and some of our collective household purchases and have saved over 175 bags to date. For those that don't know what these bags do and that most municipalities DO NOT recycle them, including Chicago, see my original post:

My total of saved bags as of 06/23/09 (stats kept since 08/06/09):
  • 179 Plastic Shopping Bags
  • 45 Fruit/Veggie Plastic Bags
  • 19 Paper Shopping Bags


I ran across this organization that just came to Chicago, but they are all over the US and even in Europe. There is an inagural event at Fox and Obel near Navy Pier on August 9th. The basic idea is that they organize a mob to head to a certain store during set hours to increase their profit which is earmarked for greening their facilities.