Tuesday, January 6, 2009


A friend of mine just sent me a copy of a daily email she gets called Daily Candy, usually this is full of great new stuff around Chicago, and typically offers some discounts, but today it was touting Ecofont.  Here is the excerpt:

Hole Lotta Love
Download the New Ecofont Typeface

hole in one!

Our holidays were neither silent nor holy. (But we're on our knees thanking someone they're over.)

It's not too late to become a holey roller. Just download Ecofont, a brand new typeface designed by some Dutch geniuses that's made up of tiny little holes.

Here's the backstory: Most printer cartridges end up in landfills. The more ink we use, the more garbage we create. So Spranq designed a font that uses 20 percent less ink by simply removing as much of each letter as possible, while still leaving it readable. Basically, the whizzes got rid of the line that connects the dots to create the characters.

It's free to download and use, so there's no reason not to.

Unless you're just a total a-hole.

Available online at 

Download, use, share, support and let us know how it works for you. So far for me it works really well in emails, word docs and excel.  I'm going to see if it is compatible with my CAD software next.

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