Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Since today is the only day out of the year that we actually officially recognize this great planet we all take for granit, I thought I'd start my celebrations by posting a blog on what my plans are for Earth Day.  I will be doing some things that I have made routine in my quest for a more sustainable life, and others that I am trying to add to my plan all in honor of Earth Day.  

  1. I took public transit to work this morning and I plan to walk the 3.5 miles home this evening.  While I do both of these things reguraly, well maybe the walking really only when it is warm, I made a concious effort to commit to both no matter what temptations came up, for example it is a bit chilly today but I'll wear a coat and not allow that to be the excuse I use to not walk home. 
  2. I plan to eat vegetarian only meals today.  While I have been trying to reduce the amount of meat that I eat, this includes all meat both land and ocean based, overall, I wanted to make a point of it today.  It has been a goal of mine for awhile now to try and reduce my commercial meat intake, there are so many studies on how bad this industry actually is for both ourselves and our environments, that I just couldn't ignore it, but I have a hard time just being a vegetarian...  I attended a sustainable fish dinner last night at a local fish monger, Dirk's Fish, that has partnered with the Shedd Aquarium, where I volunteer.  I learned a lot and got a refresher on some things I had already learned from the Shedd. After last night's dinner, I have decided that my ultimate goal would be to reduce my meat intake and make sure that all of the meat that I do consume is sustainable. Now that we have a place we can go to purchase fish and trust that it is sustainable I have the Ocean side covered.  Now to find a butcher with the same mentality... 
  3. Composting.  This is an area I have been wanting to get into for awhile now I just haven't figured out how to do it in a condo in Chicago.  I plan to research more on this subject today in honor of Earth Day. I'd really like to make or purchase a composter as soon as possible, but I need a rodent proof one that will fit in our tiny yard... The quest will continue today for Earth Day. 
  4. Letting others know it is Earth Day. I have already changed most of my various tags to something like "Kelly is wondering what everyone else is doing to celebrate Earth Day." I hope this will inspire at least one or two more people to join in on the quest to save this planet we take for granit.  I am obviously also writing this blog on Earth Day. 
  5. Salvation Army donation.  While I will not be able to get to Salvation Army tonight to make my donation I am going to raid my house this evening for items we no longer use or clothing that no longer fits and donate those items to Salvation Army for reuse by someone else. This is one of the best ways to get one of the R's in and support a good cause this Earth Day. 
  6. Continue to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  We are avid recyclers in my home with our blue bag recycling through our trash service.  Since I volunteer at the Shedd we have some additional oppurtunities to recycle things like techno waste, cell phones and batteries.  My husband recently went on a tour of the Chicago Recycling Center on Goose Island and found out they will take our old/ruined cords, light bulb strings, medications as well as a various number of other things we didn't have a place to recycle.  This Earth Day I'd like to work on the 3 R's and continue my efforts to finds places that will do or help me with my quest.
Earth Day is meant to celebrate what we have in the planet and I intend to celebrate the day by treating it as sustainably as I can today especially, but throughout my life as well. 

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